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Year Honored
Norman H Haines
Laurens Emergency Squad
Agency City
Agency State
Last Call
Cause of Death
On-duty Cardiac
In 1945 Norman joined the United States Army and served until 1947 as a Technical Sergeant. In 1951 he started his job with the Bendix Corporation where he stayed until his retirement in 1979. Mr. Haines believed in giving back to his community and the region he loved so much that he joined the Laurens Emergency Squad and served as one of the agency's drivers.<br /> <br /> On July 13, 2007, after delivering a patient to the emergency department of the A.O. Fox Memorial Hospital in Oneonta, Norman collapsed from a suspected acute M.I. Norman had assisted with lifting their patient and moving the patient to the ambulance and the emergency room. Norman H. Haines died six days later at the age of 79. At the occasion of his inclusion on the New York State EMS memorial, it was said of Norman, "He left a legacy which will long endure the passage of time and will remain as a comforting memory to all he served and befriended."<br /> <br /> Honored 2011