Tony, at the age of 45, was the lead pilot of the AirCare flight to Bluefield, West Virginia to pick up a patient for transport to North Carolina Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The weather was rainy and extremely foggy on April 22, 1994, and the crew was flying by instruments. Just seven miles from the Mercer County<br />
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Airport the helicopter crashed into East River Mountain. There had been no indication the crew was having difficulties. Tony and his fellow crew members were killed.<br />
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He had many years of experience flying helicopters as a Marine in Vietnam. Tony made the transition to emergency medical services flying and joined AirCare in 1989. Since he had children of his own--Jenny and Andy--pediatric patients tugged at his heart strings the most.<br />
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Whether he was teaching helicopter safety to fire and rescue personnel or participating in NASCAR activities, Tony epitomized the "fly boy" image.<br />
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Honored 1995 |